GOT THE BLOG BACK most of the posts just have a default image from placekitten (it’s all the same one bc randomness in hugo templates is a hassle) but i put one back up for the morris ring post.
Shadow DOM: the next frontier in web development. Or something. Or not. Let’s get y’all up to speed. To start with: What the shit is the DOM anyway?
n.b. if you’re not a web developer and aren’t interested in being one, this post may not be for you. lmk if you want a follow-up that’ll try to explain things accessibly!
As expected, when I started writing on a standalone blog instead of long facebook posts, interaction with things I said dropped. This is frustrating. I think that I’m saying better things than I was in long unedited Facebook posts.
I hate self-promotion. It feels gross, and it feels like I should be letting people come to me, and it feels like a huge imposition on all of my friends.
I’ve been in the contra scene since I was born; my parents met at a contra dance, and their main social community is based off of it, so it was kind of unavoidable.
The Morris Ring. An organization that’s been irrelevant to any non-morris dancer, largely irrelevant to any side in the United States, and irrelevant to many dancers in the U.
alright. friends. i’ve stayed publicly silent on this great debate for long enough. i can’t in good conscience stay silent any longer. i will warn you, though, my views may not match the black and white painting of the issue that you’re familiar with.
The situation: you’ve seen people talking about Mastodon. Maybe you’re intrigued, maybe you’re not. Either way, when they’ve tried to explain it to you, you’ve been confused, turned off, or maybe even a little angry that they won’t shut up about it.
another yts, come and gone. i remember at the first couple of yts weekends, i went to workshops and led songs and generally participated a ton.